
Welcome to my humble page..

Stories of love ,life, anger and rage..

What i feel may not always be true..

So i leave the comments to you..

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fields of Black rose

The field was damp with the blood of soldiers. It told stories of wars and atrocities. The screams of the souls could be heard while lifting the soil from it. That was the fate of the land that divided the two kingdoms of Daram and Chell. Years went by and the shouts and screams fainted to a dull whisper. The legacy of the land was still ill-fated.  Nearby villagers tried to cultivate flowers in it , but no matter what they planted the land only gave black roses. Seeds of lilies turned into black roses, seeds of marigold turned black roses even stems of red roses gave black roses. The land had the sun and rain but the thing it would return is the pain.   None of the villagers liked the piece of land and kept using it to form terrifying stories to scare the little ones. They used it for disposing off animals and convicted criminals. The night made it darker and the hint of darkness stayed on in the day as well.

Sambhav was a villager from a distant village who was on his way to Chell. He lost his way in between and suddenly made it to Daram instead of Chell. Persistently he kept on inquiring about how to reach the other village. The people with stern eyes were trying to avoid his questions as they knew that if they talked about their archenemy they would be punished. Frustrated with the lack of response from the villagers he went on to ask one of the guards who was mounted on a horse. 

“From where can I find the way to Chell?” Sambhav Asked.

“Are you new here? Don’t you know that asking this question can land you in serious trouble?”  He was keenly looking into the eyes of Sambhav as he spoke back to him. He guessed that this person could be a spy sent over from Chell as well, it was the perfect cover.The soldier did not take a chance, he knew that he could get convicted if he assisted a spy.  He asked Sambhav to climb the horse and go with him. Trusting the soldier to do the right thing Sambhav climbed the horse. He never knew that the dungeon awaited his visit. 

“Why did you bring me here? What have I done wrong?” Sambhav said.

“Asking about Chell is a crime here and you are guilty of it.”The Soldier said.

“Isnt there a bit of humanity in this town?” Sambhav said. 

“No. We do not deal in humanity for people going to Chell. The woman over there helped another person headed towards Chell. She will be banished to the dead lands, and from looks of it your fate is the same. You will have to plough fields and cultivate red roses there. ” The Soldier said. 

Sambhav knew that something was fishy. This was far too easy for being a punishment. 

The people in Chell were not loving either and they used to do the same to people associated with Daram. The people had created boundaries and laws preventing winds of love to flow, at least not for the people they despised. Many of their ancestors were lost in the battles, they had an obligation to pay to them as well. 

The name of the lady was Sharmistha. Sambhav gazed at her, but there was no remorse in her eyes. It seemed like she wanted to head out of town.  

“You are not fazed by this?” Sambhav said to Sharmistha.

“No, I knew this would happen. I wanted this. I like black roses. I wanted to see them for my own eyes.” Sharmistha said.

“Are you not afraid of being alone” Sambhav said.

“No. It is better to be in a place where my heart is true to myself, where the opinions and subjugations of other people do not impact the feelings in my heart.” Sharmistha said.
Sambhav felt a jolt he knew what she was saying is true, but can someone be that sure on their own feeling?  This thought initiated the day one of their sentence. They were given separate cottages to live in and separate farms to work on, they were tied to pillars so that they do not decide to run away.  They were all alone with no other soul in sight. Sambhav shouted trying to call someone for help. He noticed that Sharmistha had already started to pluck the black roses and decorate it in her cottage. She liked those black roses. She made no effort to set herself free, from her perspective she was already free. Sambhav dug deep trying to find a logical explanation of the black roses. He dug out the roots and ploughed the soil many times. He planted the seeds only to see them turning to black roses. He did not know what he was doing wrong. He however never looked at his motive, for him the soil and the plant was a means to be free. 

Sharmistha on the other hand never attempted to plant a single flower, but she always decorated her cottage with the roses. She kept on plucking till there were none on her side. 

“Can I have some black roses from your side?” Sharmistha asked.

“Sure, take as many as you want.” Sambhav said thinking about something he always wanted to ask Sharmistha.

“Did you lose someone in the battles between Chell and Daram?” Sambhav asked.

“Why don’t you plant any seeds on your side, they will also grow into more black roses, why ask them from my side?” Sambhav asked further.

Sharmistha did not reply instead she just laughed it away. The day was coming to an end and darkness across the land turned into complete darkness with the night. 

Sambhav was constantly thinking of why she would answer none of the important questions. Then a thought struck him, was he even asking the right questions?

Few days passed by, Sambhav could see the girl meticulously observing the soil and burying the wilted black roses into it. She walked on it, she watered it, and she sang to it, she even plucked the weeds. Sambhav considered all of those activities a waste of time, he would instead think about running away and was chiseling the pillar that held his chain.

“Why do you sing to the soil?” Sambhav asked Sharmistha.

“The silence in this place has killed the soil, I am merely attending to its wounds” Sharmistha said.

“When will the wounds heal? Sambhav asked.

“They will take their time. All I can do is wait.” Sharmistha said. 

This was the first time she had answered to his questions. The answer was unexpected but it was better sounding than the silence.  It was making some sense to Sambhav now, but he was hesitating in believing his understanding. 

“Why do you not plant any seeds?” Sambhav asked Sharmistha.

“Not till the soil asks me to! How can I demand something from the soil till I know it is ready to accept my request? All people have done to it is used it for their own purpose. I cannot demand anything until I understand this land and soil completely” Sharmistha said.

Now he was in her train of thoughts, he knew what he needed to do. Another few days passed by , the girl repeated her routine daily. Sambhav also had started to do the same thing. He knew that someday there would be a red rose in the yard of the girl, he was afraid that then he would be alone. The soldiers use to visit once in a while and would torture both of them reminding them of their mistakes. Sambhav would always ask god to end the ordeal. Few days passed. 

“Hey look I have a red rose in my yard” Sambhav jubilantly shouted. 

He wanted the guards to come before any harm could be done to it. 

“Why did it grow on my side and not yours?” Sambhav said. 

Sharmistha did not feel the need to reply. Sambhav thought that she must be sad due to which she is not replying. What he did not know was that she had been successful in achieving what she had set out for. The guards were astonished and could not believe their eyes. The red rose shined majestically on the otherwise grey landscape. They set him free. Sambhav asked them to set Sharmistha free as well, but they declined. They told him the way towards Chell and asked him to leave immediately.
Sambhav on his way to Chell was thinking why the flower would grow on his side of the yard. After all it was Sharmistha who cared for the soil, understood the soil, loved and sang for her soil. She deserved her freedom. It is then that he realized the biggest virtue of them all “Sacrifice”. She sacrificed her everything to see the happiness in Sambhav’s eyes . He then realized how she was able to win over the soil and how the hate within it started to convert to love. He knew that he had to immediately go back and be rescued "himself"

Years ahead:
The landscape has completely changed. The land that once harbored hate is now a valley of flowers. The grey landscape changed to vibrant volley of colors, the silence erased and cascaded with hysterical laughter of children. Sambhav gazed into Sharmistha’s eyes:

“I am the most contended man on earth” Sambhav said.

“Why?” Sharmistha said.

“I now understand love” Sambhav said.

Love is not only a four letter word, it is present in all virtues around us. It finds it’s meaning in sacrifice, care, patience, resolve, humanity, humility, discovery, joy and many more. Appreciate those virtues and then you will be able to appreciate the power of Love. Love should be inside you because that is all that matters. Happy Valentine’s Day Sheilu and Yashashvi. Happy Valentine's Day to those who are in love and to those heading towards it. Cheers!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Every Reaction has equal and opposite action!

 “Leave them alone” Sambhav said.

“No, they have done something that is condemned here.” The Thugs cried out loud.

“I do not think that speaking your mind could be condemned anywhere.  They were only increasing the awareness of these people. They were giving an alternative to the people for they need to decide who to choose as their next leader.” Sambhav said.

The stage was occupied by few young men who were speaking about the situation prevailing in the village. Sambhav belonged to the same village but refrained from participating in anything that was remotely connected to politics. However there are some situations that you cannot stop falling into. This was one of them. His students had called him to listen to them speak about the future of the village which included its political scenario.  

“There is only one winner and he is the candidate that our party will nominate. He has been winning since the last 3 times and we intend to keep it that way.” The Thugs said.

“Why are you scared of them speaking? They do not have the ability to change people’s mind. “Sambhav said.

“Yes they do ? They have the power to present an option to people.” One of the Thugs said.

“How can an option change perception”. Sambhav said, he knew that the thug had a point and he wanted to dig it further. 

“An Option ignites knowledge which forms a perception in the long run. An option without knowledge can also form a perception, but it of the kind that does no good.” Ram said. 

Ram was a student of Sambhav who had exceled in understanding academics as well as people. He was the “chosen” one of the village. He was intuitive enough to understand that there would be hurdles in his attempt to provide mental liberation to the villagers. He had arranged for a few people himself. He was ready for a standoff, something that he was not particularly proud about.  

As soon as the people stood facing each other, a loud voice intervened. The atmosphere was heated up and this was perfect for the thugs to disrupt the proceedings. 

“Stop.” Sambhav said.

“I have bought these people here as an option. You have the option to leave this ground today or we could all fight it out.” Ram said gently to the Thugs.

The Thugs knew that they were outnumbered but the consequence of failing in their objective could be harsh.  The confusion of the option was evident in their eyes.  The thugs did not know what to do. 
In this moment of indecisiveness the people supporting Ram walked forward. This further weakened the resolve of the Thugs making them walk away.  

“We will be back and people will vote for us again.” The Thugs said with a resolve.

The next few days were followed by intense violence between the villagers and ruling party.  Violence was one definitive option that was contemplated by Ram and his supporters, but they refrained and continued with their defensive options till the elections.  The villagers knew that they needed to decide in this moment of uncertainty about their fate.  Ram was not even a part of the elections but was looked as a viable option to the current leader.  Ram did not contest in the elections; neither did he support anyone participating in the election. Ram however knew that when presented an option he would definitely choose the candidate with the right agenda.  The challenge did not end there. He had to take all the villagers as well.  The goons had taken over the ballot boxes and even the polling stations. Police are of no use they are just caretakers of the system and a utility for bringing justification to violence. He devised a way, something that involved some risk. 

“None of us will vote at the polling station. None of us, not even me.” Announced Ram.

Everyone gazed in amazement as to why Ram said such a thing. He had done a lot of effort in educating all the people.  He asked to stop the violence and terrorism instantly.  The thugs and goons congratulated themselves as they accomplished what they came for without any significant effort required. They were left with 48 hours before the election started.

He quickly arranged for a trip to the city where he could meet the election officer to share their plight. Seeing Ram leave tore the hearts of the villagers. He did not even tell his plan to anyone. The goons rejoiced as this was a clear sign of Ram giving up. 

A day has passed and people got accustomed to their original schedule. Easily they gave up on what seemed a beautiful dream, their once chance of redemption. 

Suddenly the silent is interrupted by sirens and cars whistling into the village. Manned with guards and police they seemed different to the thugs and goons in the village. Suddenly a girl steps out.

“We will all vote, if you cannot got to the voting stations then the voting station will come to you. All those who are eligible please do not hesitate. I am your election officer and I believe in providing you the opportunity to decide your future. I personally will overlook the process even if  have to face the plight of the people opposing.” The lady officer said.

It was hard for the thugs to take action as they did not expect such retaliation. They were overwhelmed by the presence of so many people.  This again seemed like an obvious defeat for them.
Suddenly Ram emerged. Smiles were back on the faces of the people.  They knew that they were  victorious.

Battles in mind are fought harder than in the real world, the ones in the real world have a definite end but those in the mind stay live forever.  To eat or not to eat, to study or not to study, to instigate or not to instigate and many more. We think we have won over the evils of the mind but in some nook and corner they seem to exist and linger.  The constant lingering of those thoughts and persistent invocation from the people around leads to immense displeasure which unintentionally converts to inappropriate situations.  The spoken word is hence of immense importance, making even Newton’s third law rendered incorrect, somehow today it has been modified to “Every reaction has an equal and opposite action”.  

Sunday, December 8, 2013


“We are now lost” Sambhav finally said the word out loud. He was waiting for someone from his three member expedition team to say it first. No one seemed to take the onus of the obvious. 

“How come are we lost? The trail is still alive” Sambhavana was looking keenly into the map trying to make sense of their location. Her facial expression changing from confident to perplexed. They indeed were lost.

 “Maybe we need to concentrate more on our direction rather than our conversations” Ram said and smiled at both of them. They were deeply engrossed in discussing the circumstances that led to this adventure. 

Possibly their being lost was the beginning of another adventure.  They were on a journey to locate a temple hidden deep within the jungle. The temple had no riches or treasure however the local villagers said that the priest has credible information on artifacts that are centuries old.  None of them were treasure hunters but all of them had adventure written in their hearts.

“Let’s sit down and take deep breaths, maybe then we should think about what we need to do next” Sambhavana said. She was the leader of the pack and was feeling responsible for losing the way. 

“This trail seems to be created recently and I think it may connect to the one we were in originally. However I think we have been walking on this for the last couple of hours. Can we try going back?” Ram said.

“No Ram, we will not go back. This will defy the one thing that we decided from the very beginning. We will try and figure out based on our location in my cellphone.” Sambhav said as he drew his cellphone.

“We have deviated about 5 Km from where we need to be. It seems that we can keep moving ahead for about 15 Km to reach the original trail. Our current trail is not showing up on the map. This seems to be have made by locals. If we are lucky we may hit upon them the next morning.” Sambhav said.

They had already travelled 20 Km the last day and were expecting to reach the temple in three days, today being the second day.  The Journey till now had been simple as the forest was not dense enough to present a challenge to the experienced adventurer’s, however today they saw glimpses of challenges while crossing the river on their own. The forest was also getting dense.

“We need to get going” Ram said. The intensity was felt by all as they headed to complete the 15 Km of this unknown trail. 

The best part about walking an unknown path is the fact that all your senses are heightened.  A conversation begins with your internal self and you begin to know things about yourself that you did not know before. You gather strength not from the outside but from inside.  None of them were thinking about the temple or the artifacts they were thinking of how to get back on the original trail. 

The night got darker and they lay their gear on the open stretch of ground and started to look out for twigs and stems to light a fire. The nightly mist started to envelop the open ground. They erected their tent and started to chat with each other once everything seemed to be done. They were not afraid however being vigilant was a protocol for them. Ram would wake half the night and then it would be the turn of Sambhavana to cover the other half. 

As they slept the forest got extremely silent, even the remotest sound landing on the ear of the team.
Ram was on his way to handover the watchman duties to Sambhavana when he heard some rumbling from the north. As a precaution they woke up Sambhav to hide behind a rock. A boulder the size of a rock they were hiding behind tumbled very close to their tent. It held its course till it could tumble no further. 

The team looked with concerned eyes towards each other, were they alone was the big question? If they were not then who was behind the boulder toss?

“We need to be cautious. There is definitely someone who is aware of our presence and does not want us to be here. We should have stayed on the defined route.” Ram said in a concerning tone. 

“We will wait till sunrise and continue our route ahead.” Sambhavana said.

“We should increase our pace as there seems to an upward climb ahead. “ Sambhav said.

“We have around 25 Km ahead of us, most of them on the unknown track.” Sambhavana said.

All of them held each other and reassured that they would complete it by the end of tomorrow. They were not concerned about the way back as they knew that it would present less challenge as the tracks and obstacles would be known. 

They were up and could see the first rays of the sun strike the ground.  They were ready for the journey ahead.  After walking a couple of kilometers they could feel the steepness increase which made them sweat, the only relief was the cool breeze flowing across. Far away they could notice a shack made with tattered clothes and mud, it was on the track which they were following. It appeared to be empty from far away. As they got near it they noticed a wounded dog.  

“Could he have been hurt by the falling boulder?” Sambhavana said.

“No. It seems like a bite on the leg.” Sambhav said.

Having a first aid kit they immediately attended to his wounds. They could have left the dog, but decided to stick by it till it was able to get up on its own.  Ram had a soft corner for dogs and so he became busy in trying to make him walk. He fed him and gave him water, which was enough for the dog to become friends with Ram.  They resumed their upward journey with the dog limping behind them. 

“Should we be taking the dog along with us?” Sambhav said.

“I think dogs have a perception for danger and also have a better judgment of direction. He may be able to help us as we are still lost.” Sambhavana said.

They looked into the phone and were concerned about the distance they had walked.  They were few kilometers away from their original route after which they had ten kilometers to go. 

The sound of flute was now audible at far causing the dog to get excited and energetic. None of them knew why the dog, which was lagging behind suddenly got the jolt of energy. They knew that a person was nearby.  They were about to meet the temple guardian and it was his dog that they had saved. The dog jumped at the sight of the man, surprising the group. They had finally reached the end of the unknown route. 

“Who are you and what is your name uncle?” Sambhavana asked the man they had just met.

“My name is Samarth. I am the local priest.” The priest said.

“We got deviated from the original route to the temple and had to take the temporary trail till here.” Ram said to the priest.

“We would have been here earlier had we taken the correct route”. Sambhavana said.

“You got here in time… or should I say the right time. You bought something that holds a lot of value to me and it is only valid to give you what you all are looking for.” The priest said. 

“And what is that?” Ram asked.

“Companionship, we all have our journeys. We are not only connected by our friends and family we have an innate bond with all the living and non-living entities of the world. You were saved by the boulder and your losing your way saved my dog. “The priest said.

“What the boulder?? That was you?”  Sambhav said.

“Yes that was to save you from the bear that would have attacked you if I hadn’t.” The priest said.
All the three were stunned in silence. They had completely forgotten about what they came here for. 
 They were still trying to understand the whole two days that have gone by.  The world indeed is more than what it seems. 

“You were already connected to me before you met me, you were already my friend before I decided to save you and you saved me from my loneliness. What an equivalent exchange, isn’t it? Oh, you must all be looking for the antiques as well?” The priest said.

“Yes we are .. but being alive is biggest gift we can take back.” Ram said.

However they really were looking forward for having the antiques. The priest showed them the way to the antiques and also gave them shelter and food as gratitude.  They knew that adventures like this open not only eyes, it opens your mind and soul to elements and knowledge that you would never have without these journeys.  

Just imagine your journey, the people, and the situations that shaped your life. Take time and acknowledge those people and moments with a smile. Open your heart and soul for many more unknown adventures because like wind they will always flow through your life.


Monday, February 13, 2012

The chronicles of a love struck Boy

I am one of the most fortunate guys as love struck once for me and i hope to keep it that way forever.

Sheilu I dedicate this piece to you. It is a recollection of the special moments that we share together even after getting tied in a special bond called “Marriage”. It’s because of you that I got to have these special moments. You made a difference in so many ways that I didn’t think was possible. You made me laugh although I was in deep trouble at work. You made me realize that “A simple life well lived” is far better than “A life racing Baboons (people who are materially motivated)”. You introduced me to the term “US” (together) (not as in United States). All songs have meaning now and life is running on beats I have never heard before. These days it feels like the songs sing back to me, that’s how wonderful you are.

Earlier during my stupidity days (who does not have them?), I always used to wonder what love is like. I was trying to find its meaning by watching and understanding thousands of Hollywood and Bollywood films. I even thought that The Matrix was actually the Titanic of the future. I really thought that Matrix was a love story (how stupid, for all those who still think that it is a love story please wake up :) ). I was a boy who was confused and perplexed by the actual meaning of love.
But some of my questions are still there, How can this word Love have a meaning if its scope and boundaries are not fixed? It can be a miracle drug, it can be a one way road to self destruction, it can be a place in peace and it can also be as exciting as a rollercoaster. It definitely is not the meaning in the dictionary (which is given below).

Love: A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

Read the above meaning carefully, do you not agree with me? Do you not agree that the boundary of the word Love exceeds its meaning?

I finally understand that those movies were not special neither were the songs, they were just a medium to uncover the thoughts that were lying hidden even from me. Whenever you appear in front of me, those thoughts and feeling just race to my mind which I convey to you in an eye glance of silence. This “LOVE” word itself stirs a lot of emotion and that is what makes it so special. Every individual has a different way of expressing their emotions hence image the magnitude of difference in expressions of Love. I myself would like to see the expressions of 6.8 billion people when they say the words “I love you” to whomsoever they say it to. I know that not everyone admires this feeling, but I am sure that everyone has felt it in someway or the other.

Love has given me something that I did not have before, a mental place which I feel my own. It has given me a feeling of enlightenment that I have someone who will wish the best for me no matter how turbulent the situations in life gets. The air is different around you, so calm and serene. It is what I say a dream inducer. I do not know why I dream when I am close to you and cant when I am away; it is not that I am a different individual while I am away.

I do not care if the Valentine goes commercial or industrial (in the near future) , I would celebrate each such day because whatever it is , it gives love an expression and to feel that expression is love itself.

Thank you for opening the gates of paradise for me!!

Ready to mention in a whisper or shout out aloud: I LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Ants of Antilla

The Ant city of Antilla was originally built on a hilly peninsula surrounded by the river Aare. It outgrew its boundaries during the rule of Queen Sara. A number of Ant hills were built in her rule which allowed the kingdom to expand even more. The kingdom of the Antilla enjoyed a long time of peace and prosperity, but that was not to be for too long.
Like every good thing comes to an end, they were also feeling the strain. It was not long, the large empire created by Ant Queen Sara was in jeopardy. She knew that her power as queen would be taken over by the corrupt council. The council had openly indicated that they do not consider Sara fit to rule the kingdom of Antilla indicating her ill health. With the queens health in jeopardy the kingdom was going through its roughest times. Not having an able successor was only one of the problems. The council of Ants were having their secret meetings to choose her successor. Believing in the ants ability of division of labour, communication and an ability to solve complex problems, Queen Sara passed away in a silent night.

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

With this opportunity the council immediately came into motion naming their candidate Conor as the new King. Conor was carefully selected as he was under a treaty to act as the council would say. A king in an Ants world was indeed strange. Conor as an ant was a strong worker ant, but lacked the compassion and care. The council came out with the first rule which Conor agreed to pass.

“All Ants will be rewarded by the work they do and the food they bring”.

This was an attempt made by the council who thought that individual ants would be able to work quicker and hence bring more food to the hills and they would not be dependent on natures virtues, but nature had its own plans.

Ants now ventured deeper into the jungles searching for bigger exploits that they would call their own . The attribute of sharing and bring the catch together was replaced by individual ants working hard to drag their catch back to the hill. The paths that they shared were replaced by scattered movement along the peninsula. They started becoming proud of their individual contributions and forgot what they would bring if they worked together. A sense of perfect capitalism creep ed in their hearts. With the advent of capitalism came all of its evils. Ants with large successful food hunt became powerful and an object of envy. The ones who were not strong enough were looked down upon. Differentiations between the same class of ants was the evil that was spreading the most.

Quote :
Andrea: "Unhappy is the land that breeds no hero."
Galileo: "No, Andrea: Unhappy is the land that needs a hero." By Bertolt Brecht, Life of Galileo (1938), Scene 12, p. 115

A hero was needed to change the ants society and so a hero was born.

Sambhav was a worker ant who was freshly inducted in the chaos of the ant world. He had the motivation and eye of changing things. He had the aspiration of being the highest food contributor to the colony and some day to the entire ant hill. This would bring fame and earn him a spot in Ants institute of Applied Labour. He like everyone else dashed in the madness. He decided that all ant routes were taken by other ants and to them friendship was an ancient term which was buried with the winds of time. He decided to make his new route. He posted a sign which read “Open to all who believe”. He did not look back ,just went ahead.

While on his journey to get the largest catch, he talked to many ants. They told him about how Antilla was a plenty for all place when Queen Sara ruled. He contemplated all ants working together and thought of it as a brilliant idea, all-though this meant that he had to give up on his dream of becoming a super ant. Sitting below the moon with legs folded he got decided that unity of ants was much important than his degree of labour (from the famous college ants institute of applied labour ;) ). All he needed was a plan. Not just a plan - THE PLAN. Sambhav knew that if he had to bring all the ants together then he would require something that all the Ants despised.He knew it was the Armadillo - the Ant Eater. Sambhav ventured far enough into the jungle to finally face off with one.

The armadillo itself was having a lot of problem feeding as the ants were now scattered and did not walk in a straight profile. Sambhav went up to the armadillo and offered to show the ant hill to him. The armadillo did not know Sambhav’s intent but he joined him cause he knew that once he gets the location of the hill then he did not have to worry about feeding. Sambhav climbed up on it and together they went towards Antilla. Sambhav intentionally took the long way so as to give time for the ants to make their plan.

Meanwhile in Antilla the news about Sambhav and the armadillo was spreading like wildfire. Sambhav’s plan was working. The king Conor took control and overthrew the council exposing them to the ants. The only way they could emerge victorious was with unity and courage. It was their kingdom and they had to defend it. The king along with the whole community formed the plan and set forth to execute it. The primary objective was to kill Sambhav and then the armadillo.

So the fated time arrived and the ants faced off against the armadillo. The king with his perfect shot brought down Sambhav. For a moment the wind had stopped blowing. The real hero had died. The armadillo would soon give up against the swarm of the ants and soon the ants would emerge victorious. The victory binding them together , forever.

They rejoiced cause they understood that no victory is big or small ,but is a true victory if it is for all.

Message of the story after the quote.


You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. - Harvey Dent/Two Face, The Dark Knight

What is growth if it cant bring people together? And if it cannot be done in this real world then we are in absolute need of a hero.

Out of all heroes that exist today, i believe there will be this one hero who will forgo his life in order to bring a revolution. Sambhav’s action inspired Ants to get together ,unify and believe again in the strength of togetherness. Sometimes in this crazy world, your worldly enemy is your souls best friend.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chalte rehna hai sahi

andheri rah ke uzaale manzil,
tute khwaab ke hain nazare kayi,
dur gaya hun ki pass aaya hun,
koi khabar nahi,kuch pata nahi..

ek anjan se li hui asha,
khud se li thi pehchan nayi,
jab dekhta hun parchayi apni,
kya wo hai sahi, kuch pata nahi..

har raste par ek nishaan,
kisi mod per koi pechaan kabhi,
phir bhul na jayein raste mujhe,
kuch khabar nahi, kuch pata nahi..

yaad rakha ki kayi log aaye,
kuch the apne kuch paraye,
bandhanon mein baandh apne kuch suljhaye,kuch uljhaye,
kuch dor jo bandh gaye, wo rishte they sahi,
kuch apne aap hin kat gaye, yeh mujhe pata nahi..

rahiyon ne bataya, rukne ka jagah dikhaya,
ruk ke dekha ki to meri, maanjil thi chalti rahi,
chal pada hun phir se main , mujhe pata hai,
kuch kaho par Chalte rehna hai sahi...